Rental Clubs are charged at $10/h per set of clubs. We have Mens, Ladies, and Juniors all in Righty / Lefty.
Please book atleast 2 hours in advance at :
Currently only available at the North York Location.
If you have any other questions or need further information, please feel free to reach out to our customer support team.
Data Accuracy: Trackman is renowned for its accuracy. It can accurately measure the full flight of the golf ball from impact to landing. This level of precision is crucial for club fitting, swing analysis, and skill improvement.
Comprehensive Data: Trackman provides an extensive range of data points, including clubhead speed, club path, face angle, dynamic loft, and more. This data allows golfers and instructors to analyze and fine-tune various aspects of their swing and ball flight.
Ball and Club Data: Unlike some simulators that focus primarily on ball data, Trackman captures both ball and club data simultaneously. This is vital for analyzing the cause-and-effect relationship between the golfer’s swing and the resulting shot.
Integration with Golf Courses: Trackman allows you to play virtual rounds on famous golf courses, offering a realistic and immersive experience. Many other simulators offer this feature as well, but Trackman’s focus on data accuracy carries over into its course play.
If this happens, treat it as any software/window when using a computer to restart the program.
On the keyboard, select the “window” key to bring up the program bar and right click the Trackman software to close it.
Re-open by selecting the orange TPS icon to reboot the software.
Go to the menu section and in the top right corner there is a “calibrate” button. Select auto-target and it will recalibrate for you!
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